We want to make sure that your child feels as comfortable as possible during their visit — and to talk to us if they feel nervous! Our Growing Smiles team in North Carolina, works to create a fun, playful, child-friendly atmosphere and also offers safe, effective pediatric sedation options to ease anxiety and promote well-being. You can book online or give us a call today to learn more and schedule your child’s appointment!
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is a gas commonly used by dentists to reduce discomfort and relieve anxious feelings. If your child would benefit from using nitrous during a procedure, our team will carefully help them place a breathing mask over their face to allow them to inhale a steady flow of nitrous and oxygen. Your child will be able to breathe comfortably and normally while feeling an increased sense of ease and well-being.
IV Sedation
Intravenous (IV) sedation is another valuable tool we can use to help combat dental anxiety and discomfort. At Growing Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we believe that even complex procedures should be as comfortable and relaxing as possible. That’s why we’ve partnered with Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates—a team of board-certified medical doctors who specialize in pediatric anesthesia.
During IV sedation, a highly trained anesthesiologist from Pediatric Dental Anesthesia Associates will administer a sedative drug directly into your child’s bloodstream through a small needle inserted into a vein. This form of sedation provides a deeper level of relaxation and comfort compared to nitrous oxide. Your child will be in a state of deep relaxation, although they will not be completely unconscious. This ensures their safety while allowing our team to perform the required dental procedure efficiently.
Throughout the procedure, the anesthesiologist will closely monitor your child’s vital signs, ensuring that their heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels remain stable. This provides an additional layer of safety and comfort for both you and your child. Once the dental work is completed, the sedative effects will wear off fairly quickly, though your child may feel a little groggy afterward.
We're A Child-Centered Practice!
Our whole focus is on helping your child. We don’t just want to give them great dental care, but empower them to grow up healthy, happy, and blessed with a beautiful smile. Our providers are trained in advanced pediatric behavioral management, which is a fancy way of saying he has the knowledge, experience, and instincts to help your child feel safe and comfortable during their visit. Call today or go online to schedule an appointment!